Learn more about Fibromyalgia

What is Fibromyalgia?

Here are some of the basics on the Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS).

Let’s begin by breaking the word down into it’s parts:

Fibro = fiber

Myo = muscle

Algia = pain

Now we all know that it is not this simple. In fact FMS is very elusive.

By definition, FMS is defined as a chronic syndrome (which is a grouping of signs and symptoms) characterized by widespread muscle, bone, and joint pain.

It affects more women than men at a ratio of 9 to 1.

The American College of Rheaumatology states that FMS affects as many as 6 million people in the U.S.

That’s 1 in 50! Take a minute and think about that. That’s a lot of people.

On the other hand, there is lack of proper diagnosis or many people are misdiagnosed.

The National Foundation for Fibromyalgia states that as many as 12 million Americans suffer from FMS but go undiagnosed due to it’s elusive nature. This basically means that many people walk around in constant pain not knowing what is going on with them. While in the meantime they are progressively getting worse.

FMS is very debilitating and we see in our patient histories that it always progressively worsens over time.

It never just stays at one level.

Because of it’s debilitating nature FMS affects many people and not just the patient alone.

Family members, co-workers, and children are very much affected by FMS as well as it steals life from them while they are taking care of their loved ones.

This affect comes in many levels and varying degrees. The most affected are the spouses and they suffer nearly as much while watching their loved one lay in bed for days at a time. But it didn’t start this way. It starts when the FM sufferer can no longer do normal daily activities. Sure they are able to clean the house a little bit but they pay for for days. They have trouble attending church functions or kids sporting events because it hurts them to stand just as bad as it does to sit on a bench or church pew.

There is hope. Let us help you get your life back. Wouldn’t it be great to do these activities that are normal to most people?

We can help. Start by contacting us at (801) 988-9467 for more information.